HCM stands for Human Capital Management. This can be managed by standalone software or a suite of integrated software/technologies that can help businesses manage their employees from hire to retire. However, the software won’t automatically mean you’ll be successful in managing your employees. There’s a few things you’ll also need to do as a team and business that will increase your chances of success.  These include:

Focusing on Teamwork

When making big changes such as implementing HCM software it’s important for businesses to work as a team to ensure the implementation process runs smoothly. The four areas you should focus on within your business are:

  •       Change management
  •       Communications management
  •       Knowledge management
  •       Business readiness

Focusing on these areas will help you utilise HCM software in all areas of your business, making it more likely to succeed.

It’s also important to have someone in charge of changes relating to people management and communications so that they can take responsibility for executing plans.

Create a training schedule

Creating a training schedule for your new software will help ensure all staff have the relevant training and knowledge to help them operate it with ease and make the transition to a new software a lot easier.

You could take the approach of those responsible for the implementation process, learning how to use the software first and then teaching the rest of your team or business how to use it, rather than teaching everyone at once.    

Send out communications

Sending out emails or messages to your staff with key details about when the software will be installed, any login details required and who to contact if you have any issues or questions will make the software update easier and more efficient.

You should also keep these details in a document or notes system to ensure they’re not lost.

Form a ‘super-user’ support

‘Super-users’ will basically be a team of people in charge of anything to do with the implementation of your HCM software. These people will be the main point of contact for staff with any queries or problems relating to the software. This can also be useful as both in person and remote workers will know who to contact if they need help.

Create regular touchpoints

Communicating regularly can show staff that you’re willing to help and can provide them with important updates. Updates could include:

  •       Answers to frequently asked questions
  •       Highlighting relevant training videos
  •       Any ‘cheat sheets’ such as quicker ways of completing tasks

It’s also important to regularly ask employees how they’re getting on with the new software as it can sometimes be daunting to learn new things when you’re used to doing them a different way. As a lot of us know change can be scary, so you should look for the best ways to support your staff throughout the process!

Manage expectations

When implementing HCM software it’s important to manage your expectations, so that you’re prepared if everything doesn’t go to plan. Any issues you encounter along the way may be met with resistance from your staff, however this is completely normal and you should focus on fixing any issues and reassuring people that HCM software will make their day to day tasks much easier.

Preparing for any issues that may arise in advance could help you deal with any problems as smoothly as possible, helping you reduce the impact it may have on staff or the business.

You could also create a survey you can send round to staff to see how they’re getting on with the new software and where they think improvements could be made.

Here at Payescape we offer payroll, HR and time tracking software that can help you manage your tasks more efficiently, while giving you the opportunity to integrate software.

Get in touch with Payescape today to see how we can help you manage your staff from hire to retire.