In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing employee time and attendance efficiently can be difficult, especially with the rise in remote working. Traditional time and attendance software often falls short when needing to meet the demands of modern businesses. This is where cloud-based time and attendance software steps up to the plate with its automation and reporting abilities.

This blog will explore 6 reasons to implement Cloud-based time and attendance within your business:

1. Increased productivity

Manually entering employees’ working hours can be highly time consuming. But with cloud-based time and attendance software productivity can be boosted by streamlining and automating tasks.

Utilising cloud-based time and attendance software eliminates the need for manual data entry, removing the chances of errors being made and reducing how long it takes to track employees’ time. This type of software can also give you access to real-time information, so that managers can access accurate data like attendance, absences and any overtime worked. This can help them make informed decisions about working hours and rotas.

The time teams save when they opt to use time and attendance software, allows staff to work on more business critical tasks. This can improve productivity as staff don’t have to spend a lot of time on heavy data entry jobs and can move on to more strategic projects.

Many time and attendance software also offer features like shift planning and scheduling abilities that enhance team efficiency. Self-service portals are also usually available where staff can track their hours, view their schedules and request time off all of which takes a lot of the administrative pressure off of your HR team.

2. Enhanced compliance

Like many business processes, your time and attendance operations must stay compliant with the latest rules and regulations. Time and attendance software is programmed to stay up to date with the latest laws and regulations, ensuring you stay compliant. They also accurately report and store data in secure locations. Additionally, the reporting abilities ensure you provide accurate reports during any audits and inspections.

3. Improved analytics

Cloud-based time and attendance software offer improved analytics capabilities that are crucial for effective workforce management and strategic planning. Reports can gather information on employee working hours, absences, late arrivals and overtime. These reports tend to be more accurate and insightful as they can be customised to highlight specific trends and patterns.

Real-time reports can be generated to help managers analyse attendance habits and potential staffing issues to help them make informed decisions about staffing and working hours. Adding on to this, being able to access historical data allows managers to make effective long term plans and create budgets. Getting these deeper levels of insights can be difficult when undertaking manual entry tasks relating to time and attendance.

4. Cost savings

Cloud-based time and attendance can save you significant amounts of money. By automating time tracking you can remove the need for manual data entry, reducing the chances of incorrect data entry and time theft.

Implementing greater accuracy when time tracking, ensures your payroll processes run smoothly. This helps you make sure staff are paid correctly and for the hours they’ve actually worked. This also helps to avoid overpayments and financial implications.

Furthermore, cloud-based time and attendance software helps managers quickly identify any issues, such as unnecessary overtime, understaffing or inaccurate time tracking. This can help you reduce costs as you’ll avoid unnecessarily paying staff over time as well as deterring time theft. Cloud-based software also removes the need for physical  IT infrastructure and servers, meaning you won’t need to pay for the costs of maintaining them.

5. Improved management of remote employees

With remote working becoming more prominent within many businesses, it’s important that employee working hours can be tracked properly. Cloud-based time and attendance software provides managers with the flexibility needed to record and monitor remote employees’ time from anywhere in the world.

Having the ability to access real-time data on employees’ working hours allows managers to track productivity while fostering a trusting relationship with their team. Furthermore, self-service portals allow staff to easily clock their hours through web links or mobile apps, removing the need for manual data entry. This helps to keep staff accountable and ensures their required work is completed.

6. Integration abilities

Many time and attendance software can be integrated with other software like payroll and HR. This allows businesses to access everything in one centralised location, making it easy for staff across various teams to be able to access it.

Integrating your time and attendance, HR and payroll software enables you to streamline processes. This makes it much easier for HR staff to access and manage employee records, track attendance and generate reports.

Overall, cloud-based time and attendance software integrated with payroll and HR offers a more efficient and error-free approach to managing employee data.

Implementing time and attendance software with Payescape

Our time and attendance software, TimeEscape, powered by UKG allows you to track and understand trends in your employee’s working hours, helping you improve efficiency and productivity.

Our cloud-based software also automates your processes, significantly reducing admin tasks and any mistakes associated with them. Other benefits of working with us include:

●       Improved data security – We store sensitive information within secure data centres in line with GDPR best practices.

●       Prevention of time fraud and abuse – We remove manual processes relating to time sheets and overtime that can easily be manipulated.

●       Accurate reporting – We provide real-time customisable reports that allow you to spot potential issues before they occur.

If you’re looking to implement time and attendance software, book a demo with us today to see how TimeEscape could work for you.