It’s national nurse week! At PayEscape we work with a plethora of care home and private nursing clients, with care being a large scale industry we care about and help, we wanted to celebrate national nurse week, talk about the history, why our nurses deserve the best pay and why as a Payroll company, we are celebrating it. Find out more below.

What is National Nurses Week?

History of National Nurses Week
National nurse week is a yearly occurrence from May 6th to 12th. We celebrate the recognition of  nurses for their hard work, service and dedication to caring for others and improving patients’ health nationwide.

National Nurses Week is all about reflecting on the effort, dedication, and sacrifice nurses make every day. Throughout the week, the healthcare industry celebrates their team’s hard work. This can include being featured on the news and time for people to thank nurses who made a difference to their lives, you can find out more information on here.

Why Nurses Week is Celebrated

The NHS and other private nursing organisations promote Nurses Week as a time to thank and recognise nurses across the country. As the pandemic brought to light, nurses are the hidden superheroes in our lives. So they deserve a week, and technically a month to be celebrated, to be shouted about and to lift each other up during the long hours and challenges they face day to day.

At PayEscape we recognise the hard work of each nurse and understand the importance of equal pay, getting paid on time and feeling appreciated in a workplace – so this week we are celebrating the hard work all nurses over the world put in and to say we appreciate the difference you make to our society.

History of National Nurses Week

Some people believe that national nurses week came about from the COVID 19 pandemic, but it goes well beyond that, below we have put a timeline together of the history behind national nurses week:

  • 1800s: The profession of nursing begins to formalize in the UK with the establishment of nursing schools and training programs, largely influenced by figures like Florence Nightingale.
  • 1953: The first International Nurses Day is celebrated on May 12th, coinciding with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is often regarded as the founder of modern nursing.
  • 1965: President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaims National Nurses Week to be celebrated in the United States from May 6th to May 12th, with May 12th being designated as Nurses Day. This celebration later gained recognition internationally.
  • 1992: National Nurses Week in the UK officially begins to be celebrated from May 6th to May 12th, coinciding with the dates set by the United States.
  • Present: National Nurses Week continues to be celebrated annually in the UK and globally, honoring the dedication, compassion, and professionalism of nurses and highlighting their indispensable role in healthcare. It serves as a time to recognise their contributions, raise awareness about nursing issues, and advocate for better working conditions and support for nurses.

How to celebrate nurses week in your oganisation

Every healthcare organisation celebrates its nurses a bit differently. Many hold events throughout the week to recognise their nurses, this could include meals or gifts for the entire nursing team.

Healthcare managers and administration plan and prepare for months to make the week special. At PayEscape we can help you celebrate national nurses week by providing reliable payroll services ensuring your nurses and care staff are paid correctly, on time, every time – We understand the stress of large industries struggling with payroll therefore provide excellent services for our UK nurses.

How payroll helps the healthcare industry

Payroll is a fundamental aspect of managing a healthcare organisation efficiently and effectively, ensuring compliance, financial stability, and employee satisfaction. Below are some reasons why payroll is an important aspect to the healthcare industry and our hard working nurses:

  • Staffing: Healthcare facilities need to ensure they have the right number of staff with the appropriate qualifications at all times to provide quality care to patients. Payroll helps manage staffing levels by ensuring employees are compensated accurately and on time, which is essential for staff retention and morale.
  • Compliance: The healthcare sector is heavily regulated, and payroll processes must comply with various laws and regulations, such as those concerning minimum wage, working hours, and tax deductions. Ensuring compliance through accurate payroll processing helps healthcare organisations avoid legal issues and penalties.
  • Complexity of Payments: Healthcare workers often have complex pay structures due to factors such as shift differentials, overtime, and allowances for certifications or specialisations. Payroll systems need to be capable of handling these complexities to ensure accurate compensation for employees.
  • Budget Management: Healthcare organisations typically have tight budgets, and labor costs represent a significant portion of their expenses. Accurate payroll processing allows for better budget management by providing insights into labor costs and helping identify areas for cost-saving measures.
  • Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Timely and accurate payment is crucial for employee satisfaction and retention. In the healthcare sector, where staff shortages are common, ensuring that employees are paid correctly and on time can help retain valuable talent and reduce turnover rates.
  • Public Trust: The healthcare industry relies heavily on public trust. Any issues with payroll, such as errors or delays in payment, can damage the reputation of healthcare organisations and erode trust among patients and the community.

At PayEscape we understand nursing is a profession that needs more than just your time and knowledge. Nursing requires heart, passion, and dedication to serving others, something we too are passionate about. We acknowledge and thank nurses for the work they choose every day. Take a moment this week to pause and thank the nurses who have made a difference globally.